If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help. You have 14 calendar days from the time you received your item to contact us about a return. To be eligible for a return, your item must be shipped back unopened and in the same condition that you received it. You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable.
Do not return anything without contacting us first so that we can pre-authorize your return and confirm the mailing address it should be returned to.
Once we receive your item, we will inspect it and notify you that we have received your returned item. If you need your item exchanged, or it was damaged in the shipping process, please let us know within 14 days of your purchase so we can exchange your item.
If you purchased your game through a retailer other than marvelous-usa.com, please refer to the retailer for returns or exchanges.
Returns can take up to 3-5 business days from when we process the return to show up in your account. We do not process returns until we receive the item.
To contact us about a return or issue please email [email protected].
We ship to all US locations excluding the US Minor Outlying Islands. We do ship to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and military bases. We do not ship outside of the US with the exception of the Army Post Office and Fleet Post Office.
We always charge upfront and in-full for pre-orders. You will be charged the same day you place the order.
We always target a launch day delivery at no extra charge. When your product ships depends on how far you are away from our warehouses. Since we aim to have your game arrive right on launch day your item may ship anywhere from a week to a day in advance depending on how far you are from the shipping location. All of our pre-orders come with tracking numbers that you will receive when the product goes out.
How long it would take for you to get your order depends on how far away you live from our warehouses. In most cases orders ship within 3 business days and transportation could take up to a week after that. Please keep in mind that with current pandemic restrictions, we may not be able to ship your order right away. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions in regard to shipping times. Our shipments come via USPS Priority Mail, USPS First Class Mail, or UPS Ground.
You may want to try the following:
- Double check your porch, mailbox, garage, or by any fences or gates that are near the entrance of your home.
- Ask your family or roommates if they brought the package inside.
- Ask your neighbors, especially if you live in a multi-unit complex such as an apartment or condominium.
- If the order went to a business address, you can try asking the receiving department, front desk, or building management.
If after checking the above, you still cannot locate your package, please contact us at ‘[email protected]’ within 1 week of the shipment being marked as ‘delivered’ and we will see what we can do to help you.
We almost always use boxes, not envelopes, to ship standard and limited edition games. We do this to ensure that your game comes in the best condition possible with it arrives.
Our same return policy applies to defective merchandise. In some cases we can simply replace the item in your package (i. e. your box was damaged or a part of your limited edition game arrived broken.) Though this is very rare it sometimes happens and we do our best to accommodate. If you notice anything is defective please send an email to [email protected] with clear pictures of the item, your receipt or order number and we will see about getting you a replacement.
Buying a Steam key from our online store directly supports us. After purchasing the key you will get an automatic email with the Steam key within 5-10 minutes of purchase. If you do not see your email please check your spam folder.
In most cases, you haven’t received your tracking number because it’s in your spam or promotions folder. If you still can’t find your tracking number and you have an account, you can always check in the orders section of the account page.
If you need to change your shipping address and you have an account with us you can do so via the My Account page.
If you need to change your shipping address and you don’t have an account please send an email to [email protected] with your order number, name or email and the address you would like to have your product shipped to.
If you need to cancel your order and you have an account with us you can do so via the My Account page.
If you need to cancel your order and you don’t have an account please send an email to [email protected] with your order number, name and email.
Giving us a reason for your cancellation is optional but is always appreciated as it helps us improve our future offerings. It should take 3-5 business days for you to see your refund.
Generally if the title is over 1-2 years old we do not restock or reorder more copies. Many of our titles are limited or are only manufactured at the time of launch, so once it’s sold out we do not have more to restock. We encourage that fans pre-order or purchase the physical games they want upon launch to ensure that they get a copy.
If you do not see a certain game or merchandise listed on our store that means we do not have inventory of that item to sell and we will not be restocking more.