The cult Japanese horror franchise returns with new characters, a new setting, and a terrifying new curse. In this standalone adventure, a colorful cast of high schoolers find themselves trapped in an eerie, abandoned hospital connected to an urban legend called “Ayame’s Mercy,” where they must use stealth and cunning to survive a multitude of gruesome ends.

Combining the Japanese horror aesthetic that made the original a cult classic with immersive adventure gameplay and an updated presentation, Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion introduces players to a whole new set of horrors that will have them begging for mercy.

Release Date

Fall 2024


Nintendo Switch
Windows PC


Adventure, Horror




Key Features

Get the Party Re-Started

Corpse Party returns with an all-new entry featuring refreshed presentation and additional gameplay depth. It’s the perfect entry point for new players, and features plenty of nods for longtime fans too.

Japanese Horror Elevated

Explore the halls of Amare Est Vivere freely in both first- and third-person, providing new perspectives for players brave enough to take a closer look.

Spine-tingling Terror

Sensational storytelling in visual novel format with evocative and terrifying descriptions combined with smothering binaural audio and spine-tingling Japanese voiceover will have players on the edge of their seats.

Riveting Paranormal Mystery

Told across six chapters, with eight additional scenarios and a plethora of gruesome Wrong Ends, it’s up to you to uncover the horrifying truth behind “Ayame’s Mercy”— if you hope to earn the “true” ending.


Select Edition:

Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion

Combining the Japanese horror aesthetic that made the original a cult classic with immersive adventure
gameplay and an updated presentation, Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion introduces players to a whole new set of horrors that will have them begging for mercy.


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Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion

Combining the Japanese horror aesthetic that made the original a cult classic with immersive adventure gameplay and an updated presentation, Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion introduces players to a whole new set of horrors that will have them begging for mercy.

Ayame’s Mercy” limited edition contains an LED blue candle modeled after in-game save points (2 x AA battery not included), a 64-page softcover artbook, an ‘evidence kit’ consisting of various printed in-game assets, and a lenticular art card all packaged within a tin case resembling a medical kit.


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