Category: Blog

Brandish: The Dark Revenant – Localization Blog #1
At long last… signs of Brandish: The Dark Revenant’s arrival on PSN in the western world have come! Behold… screenshots! (English-language screenshots will come with...

STORY OF SEASONS – Localization Blog #3, GOOOOO!
Howdy, folks! Here on the Story of Seasons localization team, farming’s been our life for the past several months. We’ve edited our way through mountains...

XSEED Blog: AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed PS4
What up, my otaku homies? Even though we haven’t announced a release date yet, we’re not all too far off from the PS4 release of...

STORY OF SEASONS – Localization Blog #2, GOOO!
Excelsior, true believers! Lately, I’ve been working to finish up the last of Story of Seasons’ localization files. Most of those, as chance would have...

STORY OF SEASONS – Localization Blog #1, GO!
Greetings, true believers! In spite of the relative silence on Story of Seasons, let me first assure you that the machine is humming along quite...