Category: Blog

2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza Blog! #4
It’s that time again! Our fourth 2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza is here! I lied about there being more next week in the last blog, because...

2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza Blog! #3
Happy Holidays! It’s Christmas for those who are down for Santa, and we have a gift for you! (It’s also a gift for those who...

2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza Blog! #2
Our second 2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza is here! There will be more next week, but for now, we have some answers from: Ken Berry, Executive...

2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza Blog! #1
It’s time for our first 2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza! We’ve got a bunch of these we’ll be posting over the holiday break, so please look...

Zwei: The Arges Adventure – Localization Blog #2
Tom here again, for more fanboy gushing over Zwei: The Arges Adventure! I’ve already touched on the game’s amazing script, and I’ll definitely go more into...

Zwei: The Arges Adventure – Localization Blog #1
AAAAAAHHHHH IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING. I’ve been working on this game for the better part of a year now, but have been unable to say anything...

Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection Micro-bloggery Round-up
A very Zwei Q&A with editor Nick! 1) I’ve got a huge backlog of games. Why should I bump Zwei to the front of the...

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash – Localization Blog #3
When you show a game like SENRAN KAGURA to the public, you never know what to expect. Fans usually have a pretty good idea, but...